Thursday, August 03, 2006

Unbelievably pissed

I got a letter in the mail from the CT DMV to renew my license - which expires on my bday, Sept 1. Included was a little notecard that said "Our files show that your license is under suspension" and that I cannot renew until I get it cleared up. I am totally BAFFLED. For one, I haven't been pulled over in probably 3.5 years! For two, I've NEVER received a suspension notice for anything from the CT DMV. I called my mom and she went down to the DMV for me today. Luckily, our friend used to run that DMV so she knows other people there and didn't have to wait in line and was able to ask and find out the problem really fast.

Apparently, my license has been suspended for 3 YEARS and they never told me due to a ticket I got in FL which they SEEM TO THINK I never paid.... but I DID! I paid it 3 years ago! I was living with Ben at the time. I got the ticket in spring 03 when I went to FL with Reilly and the wench pulled me over for hitting my brakes so I could switch lanes and not hit the unposted construction in my lane and move behind that car that was riding my side. She claimed I was driving crazy and I was tired and needed to let Reilly take over (it was like 7am on the way down to FL from DC). The ticket was only like $70!!! I paid it years ago!!!!! And SOMEHOW CT got wind that I had this ticket and thinks I never paid it. Now I have to SOMEHOW dig up info that proves I paid it.... I don't even remember where I got it! I don't even think I have the ticket! I can only check with my bank and try to find the check I used. Clearly I paid the damn thing cuz they would still be coming after me!!! AHHH I'm SO annoyed!

So here I was, sitting at my desk at work crying like an asshole as my mom tells me this bc I'm so frustrated and my license EXPIRES in less than a month and I find out its been suspended ALL this time and I wasn't freakin notified. I'm REALLY PISSED.

We'll see what I can dig up tonight. Then I have to worry about getting it corrected BEFORE my bday and then see if I can get this damn 3 year suspension OFF my record bc it clearly is a damn error.



Felt my first earthquake today ever! It was a lil after 8pm. I was sitting at my desk in my bedroom. I noticed my desk started to slowly shake. My first thought was "hmm...maybe someone downstairs is doing something to make the floor move." Then a split second later I look over and my bed starts to shake and the shaking is very smooth back and forth for about 10 seconds. Then it slowed down to what felt like a mere tremor...or perhaps it was just me feeling the memento of the quake. Either way, I know that earthquakes can be dangerous...but it felt kinda cool and it was actually exciting to experience that feeling. To see everything around you kinda waving and hear the earth make these strange noises was definitely a new and interesting experience.

Let's just hope another 1906 doesn't happen soon and I end up in the ocean (seeing that I live a block away...)